
A City of Architecture

One of the largest cities in Cambodia, Battambang is situated in the northwest part of the country and is also the capital of Battambang province. Serviced by Battambang airport, the city is about 6 hours and 30 minutes from Phnom Penh by road. Brimming with olden colonial architecture and known for its relaxed vibe and laid-back cafes, Battambang is a destination for those who like to travel in leisure. 

The city is well known for its love of traditional art forms. Many of the country’s best artists, singers and actors call it home. In addition, Battambang is home to Phare, the country’s central institute for artists, singers and dances. The city also houses unique circus performances – brilliant storytelling combined with song, art and traditional dance forms.

Outside the confines of the city lie numerous temples, small villages and the lush countryside. Bicycle and walking tours are quite popular to experience the bucolic side of Cambodia at its most authentic.